

Our Farms

Our family farms are nestled in the picturesque countryside of Western Australia’s Great Southern Region.

Mt Barker Free Range Chicken is proud to have been one of the pioneers in Western Australia of free-range chicken and we continue to evolve our facilities and management to keep at the forefront of world’s best practice. Our standards meet the outdoor requirements for the RSPCA Standard for Meat Chicken, and all our farms are regularly, independently assessed to meet these requirements.

Some key aspects of Mt Barker Free Range farms are:

  • No cages. Birds are housed in large open-plan barns or coops and are free to move within the barn at all times.
  • All barns are fitted with doors the full length of each side of the barns. During the day, these doors are opened, and the birds are free to wander in and out as they choose. Note that very young chicks are kept indoors (much like a hen keeps chicks in the nest!) until they have fully feathered and can cope with adventuring outside.
  • The outdoor ranging areas have fox-proof fences on the boundaries to provide a secure environment for the birds to range freely.
  • Both inside the barns and in the outdoor ranging areas, birds have access to perches and other natural and purpose-made features to encourage physical activity.
  • In addition to foraged seeds, grasses, nuts and insects, our chickens enjoy specially formulated feed made from locally sourced grains, that are jam-packed with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and probiotics they need. We ensure that their feeding stations are always topped up with their feed so that they constantly have access to food whenever they want.
  • The water from local catchments is automatically monitored and disinfected, ensuring the chickens always have access to clean and fresh drinking water.
  • The barns are equipped with environmental sensors that automatically activate heating, cooling and airflow to maintain a comfortable climate inside the barns: warm in winter and cool in summer.
  • Chickens are monitored daily for any signs of distress and access to veterinary care is available on call should it ever be required.
  • All staff on our farms undergo rigorous animal welfare and handling training to ensure our birds are always treated with care and respect.

Mt Barker Free Range Chicken* is certified by the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme. Underpinned by science and evidence backed standards, our farms meet over 300 requirements in the RSPCA Standard for Meat Chickens.

Mt Barker Free Range Chicken farms are regularly assessed by specially trained RSPCA Assessors. These assessors check animal behaviour, the conditions where they are kept and how they are managed, all against the relevant standard. As a humane death is also important, our abattoir is also assessed annually.

*Did you know: Mt Barker Free Range Chicken was involved in the development of the RSPCA Standards for Meat Chickens?

Always check your packaging for words like “grown free range” or “raised free range”. Australian food labelling laws dictate that packaging labels be accurate and the claims they make true to certain standardizations should they wish to make those claims. This however should not be confused with “barn-raised” or “cage-free”.

No they are not. Free-range at Mt Barker Chicken means our birds are free to roam outside during the day, then sheltered at night from inclement weather. The chooks are free to roam in doors as they please, with plenty of room to socialise and forage.

As well as the seeds, grass, insects and worms that our chickens pick-up on the ranging areas, they are also fed a special diet that includes the best quality natural grains and protein, supplemented with trace minerals and probiotics. We never use growth-promoting hormones or antibiotics. We strive to grow healthy, happy chickens!

No they are not. We aim for our birds to grow as naturally as possible – this means no artificial hormones or antibiotic growth promoters are used. Mt Barker Free Range chickens grow more slowly than intensively raised chickens, this is one of the reasons they are more expensive to produce but also why they taste so great!

As a Free-Range poultry company, our products reflect the higher standards of welfare, quality, and sustainability we uphold. Our birds take longer to grow and receive more human attention than birds in conventional systems, which means it costs us more to raise each bird. Although our products may be priced slightly higher, we believe our customers see the value in purchasing great tasting chicken that has been raised in an ethical and sustainable way.

Free as a bird

Our Products

A good rule of thumb would always be to check your packaging labels as they will always have the latest information about the product. We are constantly perfecting and developing our products, adding new products to our ranges, and updating our recipes. Sometimes we get so caught up in the flow that we are slightly delayed with updating the website, but we always get it up there, so always check your label.
We do have a whole products section that you are encouraged to go look through.

All Mt Barker products are produced at our state-of-the-art facility in Rockingham, Western Australia and made from chickens grown in Western Australia’s Great Southern.

Please check our products page where our gluten-free products are clearly identified.

ALWAYS check the back of your labels for allergen information and advice.

Mt barker Chicken offers a variety of convenient easy to prepare food options*. Our recipes are created by our talented chef and are delicious without the use of MSG. We aim to use familiar pantry ingredients and only incorporate food additives when necessary for food safety or quality.


Mt Barker is a member of APCO the Australian Packaging Covenant a voluntary organisation where by becoming a member we can receive guidance on how we can improve the sustainability of our packaging. As members we also set targets and make a commitments that reduce our environmental impact from our packaging. Materials technology is advancing very quickly and we are hoping to increase our use of recyclable and biodegradable packaging in the near future, including using more recycled PET, recycled materials for labels and removable adhesives to facilitate recycling.

Mt Barker Free Range farms and processing facilities use a mix of energy sources, including both renewables and traditional sources. We are constantly working to improve energy efficiency and to replace fossil fuels with renewables as we upgrade older equipment.

Mt Barker Free Range is committed to supporting the effort against climate change and we are moving towards carbon neutrality.

We take environmental responsibility seriously and aim to meet or exceed environmental requirements. We plant native vegetation around our bird ranging areas, we send our manure and spent bedding for composting, and we treat and test all the wastewater from our facilities before releasing it.

Mt Barker Free Range has partnered with Landcare Australia and the Oyster Harbour Catchment Group to create the Ranges Link Project. Our aim is to regrow wildlife habitats across the Kalgan River valley, between the Porongurup and Stirling Ranges. Our proudest achievement has been building over 130km of fencing. The fence protects streams and remnant vegetation helping degraded land get back on its feet. The project supports species like Brush Wallabies, Carnaby’s Cockatoos, Carpet Snakes, Bardic Snakes, Western Quolls, Mallee Fowls, Firetail Finches, Echidnas and Blue Tongue Skinks that urgently need protection.


We donate unsold product to Food Bank who distribute it to those in the community who need assistance. You can read more about this here. We also pair up with similar community projects such as Second Bite.

Yes, lots! Mt Barker Free Range regularly sponsors community and sporting events. Just some of the activities supported include:

  • Purple Bra Day – Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Taste Great Southern Albany Food and Wine Festival
  • Good Food and Wine Festival
  • Mt Barker – 22 Mountains & Murals Festivals

Yes. Mt Barker Free Range Farms is one of the largest employers in the Mt Barker area and we also employ many people at our facility in Rockingham. Thanks to our continued growth year on year, we are regularly recruiting staff and have training programs for a range of different jobs, both on farms and in our processing facilities.


Please visit our Careers page to see what job opportunities we have available. If your questions have not been answered to your satisfaction please call (08) 9435 3600 or send an email to for more information.

Please visit our Careers page to see what job opportunities we have available. If your questions have not been answered to your satisfaction please call (08) 9435 3600 or send an email to for more information.